What worries me is that when we get too caught up in the surface everyday whirl of our lives, we risk losing deeper connections - important connections - vital even - connection with Self; with others; with nature; connection with the wonder and mystery that life holds.
I believe that many of the personal, social, economic and environmental problems we face across our world today stem from the loss of one or more of these vital connections. Finding the solutions will begin with re-discovering connection.
My blog post today has turned into a poem of sorts.....
When did life become a race?
A race to first up the ladder,
to become the best, the busiest,
to acquire and do the most.
When did time become a scarcity?
A thing to be saved and guarded
and meagerly doled out
into the timetable that is our life.
When did leisure time stop being leisurely?
When did we start cramming our moments
for fun, for friends and family,
into schedules with too few gaps?
When did we forget how to wait?
To want everything the world offers and Now.
When did we forget that it takes time,
generous time,
to create, to achieve, to connect
to do good things that are truly worth doing.
When did exhaustion, overwhelm and burnout become everyday words?
And when is someone going to call Time Out?
Time for stillness, for rest, for open space,
time for taking stock of our lives
what we’re doing
where we’re going
the things that truly matter to each of us
on our journeys.
Mennie Scapens