While on retreat over dinner one evening, I mentioned my quest to build my library of NZ poems, and Lesley, a school counsellor, offered her favourite – the poem she keeps at hand to help sustain her in her daily work. It is too good to keep to myself …….
There are times in life
when we are called to be bridges,
not a great monument spanning a distance
and carrying loads of heavy traffic
but a simple bridge
to help one person from here to there
over some difficulty
such as pain, fear, grief, loneliness,
a bridge which opens the way
for ongoing journey.
When I become a bridge for another,
I bring upon myself a blessing, for I escape
from the small prison of self
and exist for a wider world,
breaking out to be a larger being
who can enter another’s pain
and rejoice in another’s triumph.
I know of only one greater blessing
in this life, and that is
to allow someone else
to be a bridge for me.
Joy Cowley