I try to keep time as a backdrop to my life. I don't always succeed though.
In our busyness, it’s so easy to let time take over and become the focus. That’s when life can become a race - a challenge - and our task becomes to beat the clock and cram in as much as possible. We can become impatient, wanting To Do lists to be ticked off and results to be achieved.
The approach of a new year offers a good opportunity to take some quiet time to reflect on the unfolding journey of the past year and new possibilities that may be emerging.
Joyce Rupp’s insightful poem offers perfect food for reflection as we stand at the threshold of a new year.
When the time is ripe When the time is ripe, the vision will come. when the heart is ready, the fruit will appear, when the soul is mature, the harvest will happen. not to worry about all the unspoken, the unnamed, the undelivered. not to hurry the sprouts out of seeds, the weeds out of garden. let it all grow. wait for the ripening. yearn for the yielding if you must, but be patient, trust the process. talk to the restlessness, sit with confusion, dance with the paradoxes, and sip tea with the angel of life. smile while you wait, empty basket in hand, all too eager to snatch the produce of your spiritual path. – Joyce Rupp |
- What hopes, dreams and visions have you carried with you?
- What seeds have you planted?
- What has come to fruition?
- What joys and challenges have you experienced?
- Where do you need more patience in your life?
- What do you wish to carry forward?
- What do you choose to let go of?
Meanwhile I’m sending out warm wishes for a restful and renewing holiday break, for happy times with loved ones, doing the things that sustain you and bring joy to your life.